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Langer lab - MPI for Biology of Ageing


Mitochondria are central metabolic hubs that dynamically adapt to changing metabolic cues and environmental challenges. Mitochondrial reprogramming is accompanied by alterations in the mitochondrial proteome, which can be the result of changes in the expression and stability of mitochondrial proteins or in their cellular localization. Regulated cleavage by the mitochondrial protease PARL is a novel mechanism driving dual protein localization and thereby ensuring coordination of mitochondrial function with cellular activities. In this project, we will explore the regulation of the cellular localization of mitochondrial proteins by PARL and its influence on cellular lipid transfer.

Ishita Agrawal

PhD student since October 2022

EMail: iagrawal[at]age.mpg.de

“I am Ishita Agrawal, I did my masters in Molecular and Human Genetics from Banaras Hindu University, India. My master’s thesis on Spinocerebral Ataxia 8 and experience in proteomics was a driving factor to pursue my PhD in the Langer lab. In my PhD I am highly interested to study the role of mitochondrial proteases in age related pathogenesis, and apply MS-based techniques to solve challenging problems in structural and molecular biology”


Emanuel Bruckisch

PhD student from August 2020 to March 2022


Selected Publications Langer lab

  • Saita, S., T. Tatsuta, P.A. Lampe, T. Konig, Y. Ohba, and T. Langer (2018), PARL partitions the lipid transfer protein STARD7 between the cytosol and mitochondria. EMBO J. 37(4).

  • Saita, S., H. Nolte, K.U. Fiedler, H. Kashkar, A.S. Venne, R.P. Zahedi, M. Kruger, and T. Langer (2017), PARL mediates Smac proteolytic maturation in mitochondria to promote apoptosis. Nat Cell Biol. 19(4): p. 318-328.

  • Wai, T., Saita, S., Nolte, H., Müller, S., König, T., Richter-Dennerlein, R., Sprenger, H.-G., Madrenas, J., Mühlmeister, M., Brandt, U., Krüger, M., and Langer, T. (2016) The membrane scaffold SLP2 anchors a proteolytic hub in mitochondria containing PARL and the i-AAA protease YME1L. EMBO Rep. 17, 1844-1856.