RTG2550 on the "Dynamic Regulation of Cellular Protein Localization" at the University of Cologne
Biological systems are astonishingly adaptable. Cells employ dynamic protein (re)localization as central mechanism to expand proteome complexity and to allow cellular adaption to a multitude of intra- and extracellular signals. The mechanisms driving and controlling (re)localization events, and their functional and physiological consequences are only poorly understood. Our RTG explores this layer of regulation and proteome complexity-expansion by following the overarching question:
How does dynamic protein (re)localization contribute to cellular adapation through expanding proteomic complexity and plasticity?
To answer this question, our doctoral candidates are investigating the dynamic regulation of protein localization and the physiological conditions that drive it. They also characterize the underlying mechanisms (specifically focusing on posttranslational aspects of regulation) and assess the functional and cellular/physiological consequences of (re)localization. Doctoral candidates are not only performing experiments on individual (re)localizing proteins but also on the dedicated machineries controlling and driving (re)localization. Furthermore, they employ unbiased -omics approaches to generalize their findings and will develop novel tools to modulate (re)localization processes.

The RTG2550 PhD Program
To cover this wide range of approaches and drive their projects to successful completion, our doctoral candidates can build on the complementary expertise of RTG-principal investigators and their RTG-fellows, on excellent state-of-the-art core facilities and the thriving highly interactive scientific environment in Cologne. Our doctoral candidates will expand their scientific horizon through an interactive tailor-made educational program that covers broad principles, and specific scientific and career development needs. This program not only includes lectures on wider scientific topics and introductions into scientific work and knowledge acquisition, but also specific practical training in imaging, proteomics, bioinformatics, and peptide/small molecule chemistry. The early formation of a “class” of doctoral candidates, their shared training experiences, and our intense support for idea and knowledge exchange will help our doctoral candidates to develop into independent highly qualified researchers with a comprehensive cellular biochemistry background that have all the opportunities to follow their ideas for a future career.