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RTG reloc - International Symposium

Dynamic protein localization - driving proteomic plasticity

September 7/8, 2023

Venue: Department of Chemistry, lecture hall III, Greinstraße 6, 50939 Cologne

The international symposium "Dynamic protein localization driving proteomic plasticity" was organized by the PhD students of the Research Training Group (RTG reloc) located at the University of Cologne. Our interdisciplinary research, bridging chemistry, biochemistry and cell biology, focusses on mechanisms driving and controlling (re)localization events, and their functional and physiological consequences. With our two-day international symposium, our PhD students had the opportunity and the ambition to bring experts in the field of protein localization events to Cologne. The result was two exciting days of discussing research, results, and methods, as well as establishing new scientific connections.

We are very happy with having been able to welcome the speakers and all other participants to Cologne!

You can find our final program here!

Invited Speakers

Soni Deshwal

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne, Germany

Research Focus "Mitochondrial metabolism and ferroptosis"


Christian Hackenberger

Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP), Berlin, Germany

Research Focus "Synthetic methodology development for natural protein modifications"


Ramanujan Hegde

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK

Research Focus "Membrane protein biosynthesis and quality control"



Elina Ikonen

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finnland

Research Focus "Lipid trafficking"


Kathryn Lilley

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Research Focus "Subcellular proteome and transcriptome"


Nikolaus Pfanner

University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Research Focus "Biogenesis of mitochondria: protein transport and assembly"



Ana Teixeira

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Research Focus "Spatial organisation in biological processes"



Peter ten Dijke

Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands

Research Focus "Cancer signaling networks and molecular therapeutics"



Kostas Tokatlidis

University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Research Focus "Mitochondria biogenesis in health and disease"



Dagmar Wachten

University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Research Focus "Cellular communication"
